Consultation Chronic Pain 
Management Pre-Surgical 
Rehabilitation Post-Surgical Rehabilitation Neck Pain/Tension Spine Pain Joint Pain Headache Injury/Accident Rehabilitation

  Our Philosophy

There are many ways that pain can be treated. Medication is usually the most convenient but can also be one of the most dangerous and unproductive forms of treatment. While pain medication may be part of a treatment plan, it likely shouldn’t be the sole source of relief.


Dr. James Reichman believes that the source of the pain should be determined and treated. Meaning if he can identify WHY there is pain, then he can treat the core reason, not just mask the pain.


Dr. Reichman's’ mission is to provide his patients with physical therapy as it should be – meaning he is committed to providing his patients with the personal care and attention they deserve on their road to recovery.


Dr. Reichman doesn’t t use cookie-cutter treatment plans. Each patient has unique issues and needs that require personalized individual diagnosis and treatment. All of your appointments and treatments will be exclusively with Dr. Reichman.


Many physical therapists have lost touch with personalized care and resort to what treatments are fastest and easiest. Dr. Reichman’ s personal approach is such a priority that his entire practice is centered around providing exceptional, personalized physical therapy. He believes in healing with  knowledge, hands and heart.

  James Reichman DPT

Dr. James Reichman comes from a distinguished family of physicians and  neurosurgeons.  "I always thought I would become a neurosurgeon like my dad,” recollects Dr. Reichman. “While in college at BYU, I served as a tech in the neurotrauma rehab unit at the Utah Valley Regional Center. It was there I learned my true passion was to help those patients who suffered from debilitating strokes and spinal injuries.”


"To me,” continues Dr. Reichman, "there was a void in helping those patients recover and even heal. So, I decided to become a physical therapist. Not only that, I wanted to be a physical therapist who cared for, had empathy with, encouraged and loved his patients"

Dr. Reichman completed his doctorate in physical therapy in 2013.  He currently resides in Vineyard, UT with his wife and children.
  Click Here to Read More About Dr. Reichman in the May 2022 edition of Living Magazine.

  Our Services

Pre/Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Most back pain caused by disc compression can be and alleviated , and surgery avoided by physical therapy within 6 months. If you've had surgery, Dr. Reichman is the go-to physical therapist for rehabilitation.


Neck Pain/Tension

Neck pain and tension can be debilitating and extremely uncomfortable, especially if the pain stretches from your neck down to your shoulders. If left untreated the pain can become more severe.  Neck pain and tension can be successfully treated with specialized physical therapy.


Back Pain

Back pain is the most commonly reported pain across the nation. It typically results from an injury or strain. If you are suffering from back pain or sciatica, Dr. Reichman can help relieve the discomfort and restore your health.


Joint Pain

There are many ways that shoulder, hip, elbow, wrist and hand pain can present itself. It can develop as a result of an injury, pulled muscle, or arthritis. Whatever the case may be, Dr. Reichman is dedicated to offering you natural pain management solutions.



Headaches are also the third most commonly reported source of pain across the world! Whether they are acute and temporary or constant and chronic (such as migraines), headaches can all be treated successfully by physical therapy.

We Are One of the Top

Physical Therapists in the Intermountain West

A Satisfied Patient Shares Her Experience With
Dr. Reichman

Unsolicited Testimonial From Laura D. of
Orem UT as Recorded on the Review Site YELP

"Due to serious and extremely painful surgery complications I started therapy with Dr. James Reichman a few months ago. I was debilitated and in constant pain and now I have recovered my functionality,  my mobility, my strength and my  happy active life.


"I had sought help from several physical therapists and FINALLY found James.  He is the only one who has really helped progress my healing.


"The  thing that is unusual about him is he spends time personally trying to help you feel better in every  physical and mental way. He takes time and effort to help you meet your treatment goals and to help you have the physical ability and strength and courage that you want and desire.


"He doesn't give you a list of stretches and exercises and turn you over to an aid. He is hands-on with every patient.


 "Dr. Reichman has incredible education and understanding of how the human body heals and what is needed to help it to heal faster and more completely. I would never go to any other physical therapist. The capability of the staff in the office is so positive and uplifting.  I always feel happier and more whole when I leave the office than when I arrive.


"I've never seen anything quite like this before. He is amazing. I wish I could give more than 5 stars because people need to know that he is the best!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Will My Insurance Cover Physical Therapy?

We take most insurances, our office will contact your insurance company and get a breakdown of your benefits based on your individual policy prior to your first visit.


What If I Don't Have Insurance?

For patients that do not have insurance, we offer a discounted self-pay rate, due at the time of service.


Are There Patient Forms I Need to Complete Prior to My First Appointment?

Yes, forms will be mailed or emailed out prior to your first visit.


What Should I Wear to My First Appointment?

Comfortable work out clothing or loose-fitting clothes are best. Clothing that allows you to expose the skin in the area being treated is preferred, but not required. During the evaluation and follow up visits, Dr. Reichman will often need to access your skin, muscles, and joints around the injured/painful area to determine what the problem is and how to treat it effectively.


What Should I Expect on My First Visit?

On your first visit Dr. Reichman will go over your medical history and screen your injury/ailment. He will take baseline measurements of your strength, flexibility, and mobility to better determine a personalized plan of care with you. Often a brief treatment will also be provided on the first visit, and a home exercise plan will be developed when appropriate.


Is Physical Therapy Painful?

Dr. Reichman works with you to mitigate your pain. Often the goal of physical therapy is to alleviate discomfort and improve function. Dr. Reichman will continuously monitor your pain during each session to minimize unwarranted discomfort


How Long Does Each Visit Take?

Normally, appointments are usually between 45-60 minutes, but can last up to 90 minutes in certain conditions.

How Often Will I Come to Physical Therapy?

Each injury is different, and each person’s health history is unique. Typically, patients are in physical therapy for 1-2 months to regain function and return to their prior activities safely. Depending on severity of the disorder, a patient can expect to be seen 1-3 visits a week in the clinic to regain their function while simultaneously doing a personalized home exercise plan. For example, typical sprain and strains may take 4-6 weeks while post-surgical procedures may take 2-3 months to rehab. Dr. Reichman will work with your individual schedule to accommodate a plan that will facilitate healing and independence.


How is My Progress Measured?

Dr. Reichman measures your baseline function at the start of care during your evaluation. During subsequent visits, your progress will be monitored and assessed to provide regular feedback to you. Midway through your plan of care, the Dr. Reichman will often re-evaluate your function and update your physical therapy goals. At the end of care, Dr. Reichman will re-assess your function and check your progress with your activities of daily living. If you have a referring physician, he will provide to him or her a note with your updated functional status.


What Will I Do After Physical Therapy?

Ultimately, the goal of physical therapy is to return you to normal day to day activities, recreation, or sport independently. Dr. Reichman will design a home exercise plan to fit your needs to design a home exercise plan to fit your needs to do independently at home, or in the gym, to safely maintain your gains from physical therapy.


How is Reichman TruHealth Different from Other Physical Therapy Clinics in Utah?

Dr. Reichman provides in person, one on one care for all your treatment sessions.  He provides individualized compassionate care to return you to your prior level of function. Many physical therapists have lost touch with personalized care and resort to what treatments are fastest and easiest. He believes in personalized healing with his knowledge, hands and hear

  Our Blog (Coming Soon)

Our series of blogs are designed to help you access clear, practical information and solutions for your pain. We’ll discuss the main dysfunctions that can occur and what you can do to alleviate your pain.

Herniated Disc Pain

Herniated disc pain is one of the most debilitating ailments affecting individuals from age 30 and up. Herniated discs in the lower back and neck can irritate nearby nerves, causing individuals extreme pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, and/or legs.

How to Fix a Stiff Neck

If you suffer from neck pain, you know how debilitating it can be. Chronic pain causes constant discomfort and impacts your ability to complete daily tasks. The good news:  actions as simple as stretching your neck and breaking bad habits can provide lasting relief.

Pain Relief for Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is among the common knee-related conditions affecting quality of life – especially in the older population. One way to ease the pain of knee OA is to strengthen the quadriceps muscle group (the muscles in the front of your thighs).

Get in Touch

(833) 9-TruHealth (987-8432)


Open Hours

Mon – Fri — 8:00am – 5:00pm

Saturday — 9:00am – 3:30pm

Sunday — Closed



1149 North Canyon Road

Provo UT 84604